Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gustav Is Causing Mass Hysteria...In Reverse

Man, it's Katrina all over again, only this time in reverse. Sort of. Instead of mass hysteria occurring after the storm, we're experiencing it right now. Before the storm even hits. Everyone is already so stressed out over the possibility (probability) of the Katrina situation repeating itself with Gustav, they're running around from store to store, eyes glazed over, pained expressions on their faces, talking to themselves.

We had one nice distraction today, though. Our National Champion LSU Tigers opened the football season by lowering the boom on poor ol' Appalachian State. What a great time we had getting severely sunburned and flirting with heat stroke while screaming ourselves hoarse. Unfortunately, the game finally ended, the crowds dissolved, and we all settled back into reality. The reality of Gustav.

Reality in Baton Rouge: Every gas station is packed, all hours of the day and night, five and six cars deep per pump. Want regular unleaded? Sorry; all that's left is mid-grade and super. Want a loaf of bread? Tough; no bread anywhere. Want some D batteries for your flashlight? Too bad; they're all gone. How 'bout some propane so you can at least grill some burgers after the electricity goes out? Not a chance; no propane anywhere in the city.

The one item that seems to be in plentiful supply is bottled water. Our neighborhood Target had dozens and dozens of pallets of bottled water seemingly scattered randomly throughout the store. I now have over 100 bottles of water chilling in my refrigerator. Just in case, right?

Anyway, if you are reading this from somewhere outside the "Cone of Uncertainty", please pray for us here in Louisiana as we prepare to go through this hurricane thing. Again.

See you guys on the other side of Gustav...

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