Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quotes and Mispronunciations by Mumbles

Typical statements made by Mumbles, as they sound to me:

"Chore and score the floor some more..."


"Clean um for a fistful uh googen..."

"Ah had uh dang ol' flattop since 19-and-65..."

Typical mispronunciations by Mumbles of relatively simple words:

Actual word: Walmart Mumbles' version: Walmark

Actual word: hereditary Mumbles' version: herditatory

Actual word: sever Mumbles' version: severe

...more to follow...


Anonymous said...

Love the mispronunciations! I really feel sorry for you when I walk by your office and you're like a trapped animal.

Ginger LeBlanc said...

That's hilarious!